Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What is Visual Literacy?

Visual Literacy is the ability to recognize and understand ideas conveyed through visible actions or images, as well as to be able to convey ideas or messages through imagery. It is a way for people to produce meaning from information presented in a visual imagery. Images all around the world contain information and ideas and when people are able to interpret and gather the information and ideas in those images, they can place them in context and determine whether they are valid or not. A person can look at an image carefully and critically, and their skills can then be applied to the type of image they are looking at, whether it be a photograph, painting, graphic art, films, maps, or other kinds of charts and graphs. Each different type of visual object gives different information and ideas. Not one thing is the same, and not one person thinks the same.

I think it is necessary for everyone to understand the importance of visual listeracy in our eveyday lives. With visual literacy, we can better interpret art and visual media that we see everyday. Visual literacy allows me to make a deeper connection with what I am looking at/reading, and helps me to understand representation and meaning as a whole. Examining and understanding how text interacts with art allows me to put pictures to what I'm reading. Because of that, I can better understand what I'm looking at, and it definitely makes me enjoy the reading more. I guess I could go on and on about how I feel about visual literacy. What about you?

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