Sunday, December 5, 2010

Visual Literacy is all around us...

Visual Literacies are all around us. They are in images, logos, signs, websites, even in gestures given by someone. All of these things are seen visually and contain a meaningful message that is understood by others. We rely on visual literacies when we shop, as we drive, as we're learning in school, and even as we're exploring the internet.
  • I don't know how you guys feel, but I think photography helps us to see frozen moments in time. After looking at pictures, I can analyze the events that took place during the picture and create a story about what I see. 
  • I think that graphic organizers in class are a great way to use visual literacy to help with the mental organizational skills we all know we should have. For some I'm sure they might be a pain in the neck, but I know they really help me and I think they are a great way to help us remember more.
  • As we drive, sign provide us with the information we need when going somewhere we usually don't go to. They prevent us from getting lost, and as long as we know what we're looking for it is easier to find what we need. When we see traffic lights, we have to understand the meaning of each color. 

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