Sunday, December 5, 2010

Visual Literacy outside a classroom?

Look around you. What do you see? I see images, and as I'm looking at those images, I'm really reading it, and understanding the meaning of it. Every day I come across images, both simple and complex, and in those pictures I identify meaning. I am bombarded with symbols daily, and my visual literacy skills helps me to recognize the symbols I see and interpret their meaning. Each day, whether I am driving to school, or walking to work, I see street signs, no parking signs, billboards, and other signs and I know that if I wasn't visual literate I wouldn't know where to go or be able to understand what is going on.

Without commercial logos, how would I be able to recognize my favorite restaurants or the food chains I enjoy going to? I wouldn't be able to identify the different sports teams I enjoy to watch, or find the bathroom in a public place without having signs or logos representing each of these things. Without the sign on the door I wouldn't know where to go at all. I know I rely on the symbols around me to understand where we are going, and I'm sure you do too. I would go crazy if I didn't know how to read this things. 
Visual literacy is everywhere around us. Without it, I know I would be lost on a daily basis.
Visual literacy connects us to others around the world. Like my blog. It'll connect me to others who are advocates for visual literacy. Check out this video I found that shows use of Visual Media through the Internet and cell phone.

I think it shows other important ways we use visual literacy on a daily basis. Obviously, I'm an avid believer in visual literacy and in my opinion I don't know how anyone could not be.

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